Thursday 29 March 2012

A library for Vincent

Vincent was once a magnificent creature roaming around some fecund forest somewhere, escorting his does and wrestling the male competition with his impressive antlers.

That was some time ago.

Now his head hangs grandly on a living room wall in Brighton, East Sussex.

I have been commissioned to create some shelving in his alcove.

The room is blessed with sunshine for a good portion of the day, the sash windows reach from floor to high ceiling and a beautiful modern chandelier hangs in the centre of the room.

Because of the light and the proportions of the room, the decor is bold with pieces of dark wood furniture and a rich red on the walls.

I've been asked to fit three shelves: One running the width of the space and two more floating shelves next to the desk.

After some discussion of options, my client has plumped for American Cherry timber. A good chunky thickness for the long shelf and a slightly lighter weight for the shorter shelves alongside the desk.

I start work April 10th. Very exciting.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

I'll be your Emmylou...

Scandinavian loveliness. First Aid Kit's video for Emmylou.

but they are a little spooky aren't they?

Saturday 3 March 2012

The Fish Tank's Grand Stand

I was asked to design and build a stand for a round 35 litre fish tank. So I did. Using walnut veneer on board and lipped with French walnut I created a contemporary looking design with a circle through its core to complement the glass globe. I finished the piece with a wax oil on top of shellac to give it low sheen silk finish. 

I love the way the lamp from the tank creates circles of light around the base of the walnut stand.