Saturday 1 December 2012

Wye Oak

After spending most of November creating a series of beautiful hard wood storage boxes out of three colours of woods: American Black Walnut, American Cherry and Maple. (You can see final product here) I have moved on to a new commission to design and make two oak blanket chests.

The oak that I am working with has come from Latvia via English Woodland Timber and I was amazed when I machined it into components to reveal a gorgeous warm and creamy texture to the wood. The finished products are going to be beautiful.

It's still early days but this is where I'm at with it thus far.

Wonderful oak, hey?

So.... according to Wikipedia, The Wye Oak used to be the biggest white oak tree in the US. It grew in Maryland  but was felled by a storm in 2002.

I was looking it up because I want to post Wye Oak's (the band) track "Civilian" as the next track in my woody music series. So here you go:

Oh the oaky oaky cokey..... etc