Monday 8 April 2013

Recreating a cresting rail

I needed to replace the chair's cresting rail because the original is broken into two pieces and repeated gluing attempts by the previous owners seemed doomed to failure.

Using the original as a template I drilled the angled holes for the back spindles into a block of timber which was formed from three separate pieces of wood to achieve the necessary thickness to accommodate the cresting rail's curve.

Some band sawing, bobbin sanding and disc sanding later - I've got to this stage:

More work with a spoke shave and then the high tension of the glue up!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Windsor style chair to restore

A much loved Windsor style chair has found its way into my workshop for a little bit of restoring and TLC. The cresting rail is broken into two pieces and the H shaped stretcher assembly of the legs needs removing and reassembling correctly.  You can see in the pic that I've already turned a replacement spindle for the the back rest where one had given way. It'll be a great way to familiarise myself with the construction of the popular Windsor chair design.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Walnut Tree

And while I'm here...  next in the woody tune series is...

Keane - Walnut Tree (Who knew?)

He waited a long long time.

For Dana

JOY!! A comment on a post from last year landed in my in box this week.

Someone had seen my final term project design on the May 2012 post Cabinet-making and was interested in seeing how the big adventure had turned out.

I'm afraid I haven't taken any proper portfolio photos of  "The Dandy" yet because it is so tall and I haven't figured out how to get it all on a decent backdrop etc. So these are phone pics and a bit noisy; but you get the idea.

Here is "The Dandy" in the corner of our office:

And some detail shots:

So... There you have it. And thank you Dana for asking, I'm really chuffed at your interest.
