Sunday 10 February 2013

Walnut Tree

And while I'm here...  next in the woody tune series is...

Keane - Walnut Tree (Who knew?)

He waited a long long time.

For Dana

JOY!! A comment on a post from last year landed in my in box this week.

Someone had seen my final term project design on the May 2012 post Cabinet-making and was interested in seeing how the big adventure had turned out.

I'm afraid I haven't taken any proper portfolio photos of  "The Dandy" yet because it is so tall and I haven't figured out how to get it all on a decent backdrop etc. So these are phone pics and a bit noisy; but you get the idea.

Here is "The Dandy" in the corner of our office:

And some detail shots:

So... There you have it. And thank you Dana for asking, I'm really chuffed at your interest.
